UFEST 18 NekoИ (Самара) The SCP Foundation John Doe, SCP049 (The Plague Doctor) Duration 105 Russian Cosplay Channel 1,373,157 viewsAn Explosive Shout Cracks the Great Empty Sky;Minecraft SCP FOUNDATION UPDATE / SCP 096, SCP 173, SCP 999, SCP 049!!

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SCP048 The Cursed SCP Number;Description edit edit source SCP049 is a humanoid entity which bears the appearance of a medieval plague doctor While SCP049 appears to be wearing the thick robes and the ceramic mask indicative of that profession, the garments instead seem to have grown out of SCP049's body over time, and are now nearly indistinguishable from whatever form is beneath themD This is your onestop shop for virtually all of the basic SCPDevolved game information Feel free to click on one of the links below for articles by some of the best writers this wiki has ever seen!
Wiki/Game Credits Change Log Help Page Wiki Advice Suggestions Page Basic Strategies (Great For FirstTimers!) Getting Started How to Contribute ManagingHere's my theory Its probably wrong, as SCP5000 was written after 049 was, but here it is (tldr at bottom) The interpretation of SCP5000 runs a little on these lines Long story short, the SCP Foundation (within the alternate reality from which 5000 originates) discovered a very terrible, horrible, no good very bad thing in the collective human conscienceElemento # SCP049 Classe dell'Oggetto Euclid Procedure Speciali di Contenimento SCP049 è contenuto all'interno di una Cella di Sicurezza per il Contenimento di Umanoidi Standard, nel Settore di Ricerca 02, al Sito19 Per essere trasportato da un punto all'altro, SCP049 deve essere sedato e costretto in un'Imbracatura Restrittiva per Umanoidi di Classe III (con collare a scatto e fibbie
When a small child named (Y/N) is lost in the streets of a plague infested London, it is up to SCP049 to take them under his wing as his small apprentice Add to library 461 Discussion 191 White walls reader x scpItem # SCP173 Object Class Euclid Special Containment Procedures Item SCP173 is to be kept in a locked container at all times When personnel must enter SCP173's container, no fewer than 3 may enter at any time and the door is to be relocked behind them At all times, two persons must maintain direct eye contact with SCP173 until allShop Scp 049 Hoodies and Sweatshirts designed and sold by artists for men, women, and everyone Highquality, preshrunk heavy or lightweight fleece creepypasta, doodle, doodle art, doodle scp, doodle scp 173, scp 173 cartoon, scp cartoonish, scp 049, scp 939, scp 106, scp 6, scp 999, scp 173 pixel art, scp pixel art SCP173 Pixel art

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Lust in the Time ofThere was a time, probably quite a few years back by now, where 049 ended up walking in on SCP 131A and SCP 131B circling SCP 999 as he was sitting in someone's shoe during a breach It wasn't a doctor's shoe, nor did it belong to any of the DclassAn Explosive Shout Cracks the Great Empty Sky;

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SCP049 Plague Doctor Death and the Doctors Hub (Series Hub) Excerpts From The Medical Tragedy of Dr Bartholomew Artz, Author Unknown;Ek SCP999A Bütün personele hatırlatma SCP999'a hiçbir türden hafif, kafeinli içecek verilmemelidir Geçen hafta birisi SCP999'a sıradan kahvaltısının yanına bir de kola vermiş Yarım saat boyunca duvardan duvara sekmesi yetmezmiş gibi bir de karbonlaşma yüzünden SCP999 gözle görünür halde bulantı geçirdiSCP049 Plague Doctor Death and the Doctors Hub (Series Hub) Excerpts From The Medical Tragedy of Dr Bartholomew Artz, Author Unknown;

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SCP173 is an SCP that can only move while not in the direct line of sight of a person It has been removed from the game SCP173 is a hostile statue constructed from concrete and rebar SCP173 is animate and extremely hostile It attacks by breaking or snapping its victim's neck at the base of the skull The object cannot move while within a direct line of sight, but can move a sizableMinecraft Mods Duration 1003 ZombieSMT 22,227 views 1003 SCP049's CONTAINMENT BREACH!SCP999 has thankfully recovered since, but the staff member in question has been reprimanded"Dr Addendum SCP999B The following is a report from an experiment in which SCP6 is exposed to SCP999 in the hopes that it will curb the creature's omnicidal rage SCP999 is released into SCP6's containment area

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SCP #999 SCP #999 you must be happy SCP #049 SCP #049 The Plage Doctor #096 #096 Shy Guy #6 #6 Hard to destroy reptile #1049 #1049 Build a Bear the tittle says it ll Facebook CommentsItem # SCP049 Object Class Euclid Special Containment Procedures SCP049 is contained within a Standard Secure Humanoid Containment Cell in Research Sector02 at Site19 SCP049 must be sedated before any attempts to transport it During transport, SCP049 must be secured within a Class III Humanoid Restriction Harness (including a locking collar and extension restraints) and monitored bySCP SCP SL SCP Secret Laboratory SCP Containment Breach SCP 173 SCP 49 SCP 79 SCP 96 SCP 106 SCP 939 The best collection of SCP sounds you can find Sounds to use on SCP Secret Laboratory All sound files are now MP3 instead of OGG Renamed all the sound files

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